
Desert, Sea and Sky: A Day in Qatar

Illustrated by Charlene Kasdorf

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Inside this wordless picture book, a cast of quirky characters enjoy a day out in Qatar. From MIA Park to Souq Waqif, Dadu Gardens, Al Zubarah and Zekreet, each page is filled with adventures guaranteed to spark the imagination, and enable young minds to create a different story with every telling. Desert, Sea and Sky: A Day in Qatar brings out the storyteller in us all, supporting critical thinking, meaning making and creative expression.

Languages Arabic and English
Publication date 2024
ISBN 9789927108877

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Photo: Noushad Ahammad, courtesy of Qatar Museums Publications ©2024

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Photo: Noushad Ahammad, courtesy of Qatar Museums Publications ©2024

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Photo: Noushad Ahammad, courtesy of Qatar Museums Publications ©2024

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Photo: Noushad Ahammad, courtesy of Qatar Museums Publications ©2024