
Etel Adnan: In All Her Dimensions

Hans Ulrich Obrist, Daniel Birnbaum, Simone Fattal, Kaelen Wilson-Goldie

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Book cover of Etel Adnan: In All Her Dimensions by Hans Ulrich Obrist، Daniel Birnbaum, Simone Fattal and Kaelen Wilson-Goldie

This book on the work of the Lebanese-American visual artist, poet, playwright and essayist Etel Adnan was published to accompany the exhibition at Mathaf in 2014, curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist. Through the exploration of this artist’s multidimensionality, the book highlights the diversity in her work, including paintings, drawings, leporellos, tapestries, writings and films from the 1960s onwards. Featuring interviews with Hans Ulrich Obrist, writings by the artist and essays by several other contributors, the publication provides a significant insight into the art, writings and thinking of Etel Adnan.

Language English/Arabic
Publication date 2014
ISBN 978-8857-223-90-2