Within Qatar there is a small group of collectors who seek out vintage automobiles, considering them to be part of their cultural heritage. They preserve them, pass them on to future generations and house them in their private museums. They also very kindly lend them to museums to provide visitors with a glorious gateway to the past. And it is because of that generosity that the exhibition Mal Lawal 3 exists.
Hosted by the National Museum of Qatar, the exhibition is now considered one of the most comprehensive of its type within the Arab world. In December 2020 it opened its third edition – showcasing some of the rarest, oldest and most sought-after cars ever put on public display in Qatar.
The cars exhibited bear the brands of international companies such as Rolls-Royce, BMW, Jaguar, Ford, Chevrolet and Dodge, Toyota, GMC and many others, displayed in the museum's Mawater Gallery and in the museum's outer courtyard, known as Al Baraha.